How to Think Critically & Strategically
CourseThis course provides needed tools and techniques for running the Sense-Response Cycle. This cycle describes the four responsibilities of any leader: to sense, to make sense , to decide, and to act.
CourseLeaders and their companies "get taken by surprise" when events and trends to which they should have responded cause significant harm. Intercept the future and make decisions "in time."
Turning Strategy Into Action - a minicourse
Essentials of Strategic Thinking: a mini-course
CourseYou have four fundamental responsibilities which form the Sense-Response Cycle. Run this cycle "fast enough," or become irrelevant!
Eight Essential Skills of a Prepared Mind
CourseThis course describes the eight skills leaders need of they are to be prepared for the future.
Solving Complex Business Problems -- a Mini-Course
CourseManagers and professionals have plenty of problems to resolve. this may help.